The Regular Meeting of the Board of Island County Commissioners convened at 11:30 a.m. on February 24, 2003 for a Roundtable with Elected Officials, Conference Room #116, Courthouse Administration Building. Other agenda topics for the Regular Session followed at 1:30 p.m. as outlined on th...
Charlevoix County Commissioners Meetings Las Vegas coming to the Holy Cross Hall Montserrat, anyone? Charlevoix County Road Commission holds meeting on Beaver Island ‘Haunted’ Lake Michigan Lights Don't miss the Island Boodle and the Bite of Beaver Island, October 4th News from the Towns...
Charlevoix County Commissioners Synopsis Christmas Lights around the Island - "The Best and The Brightest of 2003" Santa Visits the Emerald Isle Hotel Letters: Heating the New Health Center BIRHC Thanks Those who Helped with the Annual Appeal Geography Bee Returns Grandparents’ Day Apology to North...
Energy Northwest is a collection of 28 utility districts, including Seattle City Light, Tacoma Public Utilities and Snohomish County PUD. Amazon didn’t say how much it's spending on the project, or how much, if any, will come from Energy Northwest. So far, there aren’t any other small ...
2. Our agenda is gathering momentum as evidenced by the recent passage of such major initiatives as a new state rehab code, a commercial historic tax credit and state and local open space bond issues totaling more than $ 50 million. 3. Rhode Islanders in recent years have demonstrated a ...
Charlevoix County Commissioners Meetings Las Vegas coming to the Holy Cross Hall Montserrat, anyone? Charlevoix County Road Commission holds meeting on Beaver Island ‘Haunted’ Lake Michigan Lights Don't miss the Island Boodle and the Bite of Beaver Island, October 4th News from the Towns...