The Dajjaal (Anti-Christ), Al-Daabbah (the Beast) and Ya’jooj and Ma’jooj May 9, 2022 LeRoom Fatwas and Questions/Answers Threads 156 Messages 588 FatwaCan you ask Allah to make someone your spouse? May 4, 2022 Mabsoot Ummah in Conflict ...
, The Truth of The Life of This World ( Mirror Link ) , The transitory baubles of this world and our true abode, the hereafter , The Secret of The Test , Never Forget ( Mirror Link ) , Time, One of ALLAH’s Great Blessings , Answers from the Qur’an 1 , Answers from the Qu...
PTB English 9th Class New Book Solved Exercise Notes pdf and questions with answers of all chapters. Here are list of all chapters in class 9th. English Chapters: Unit.1 The saviour of Mankind ( Solved Exercise, Translation, Questions with Answers) Unit.2 Patriotism ( Solved Exercise, Translat...
Ordered probit regression is a statistical technique used to analyze data from surveys and questionnaires with limited answers. Some studies that have used ordered probit regression include research conducted by Pandit et al. (2008), Hasegawa et al. (2010), Fiorillo and Nappo (2011), Zhang et a...
Validation studies (in which answers to sensitive questions are compared to accurate information about the respondents that is known to the surveyor from other sources) show that the prevalence of social desirability bias can be substantial for a given sample. For instance two studies find that 42...
The students' analytical ability about the moderate history of Islamic civilization can strengthen their faith, strengthen their morals, and improve the quality and quantity of their worship, both individually and socially. Several studies have been conducted on learning the history of Islamic culture,...
Historical evidence is insufficient to answer these questions with any certainty and the hypothesis on the origin of the widespread loose-leaf format in West Africa sug-gested at the end of this essay is of a very tentative nature. Islam came to various regions of West Africa via trans-...
Hate speech ( ‘al-jahr bi’-sūʾ min al-qawl in the Qur’anic description) continues to be the subject of contentious debate. Arguably, the notion of “unregulated speech” in the liberal discourse encourages hate speech on the pretext of “defending
Bismillah. i used to consider third Testimony a part of Azaan / Iqamah but i have left pronouncing it in Azaan / Iqamah. In This Thread, i will discuss in detail a few things: 1. What made me leave it. 2. Some References and Refutation of Argument that I
Learning From the Experiences of Socially Responsible Investment Funds Salma Sairally∗ In order to fulfil the Shari[ah objective of promoting the welfare of society, Islamic financial institutions (IFIs) are expected to consciously align their decisions and actions so that these are 'sociall...