m3.4 - 3.7 say that a woman may not "conduct her own marriage", meaning that she is not free to marry by choice. A male guardian is required to validate the marriage agreement. m3.8 says that a woman is not free to choose her guardian. It is assigned by family relation. Once she...
Literal meaning of salat is DUA. Considering salat as insignificant or taking it lightly (Istekhfaf-e-Salat) is a major sin. Both Quran and Ahadeeth emphasize that the salat must be given top priority in our daily life and must never be taken as a lightly or secondary thing. (A) ...
The conclusion of this study is the meaning of reporting on the discourse on the death penalty against rapists in Republika media shows that as a media with an Islamic ideology, referring to Islamic Sharia law, Republika interprets that the death penalty is indeed possible ...
What is the meaning of “Hold fast to the rope of Allah”? “Hold fast to the rope of Allah all together and do not be divided.”[1] This is an excerpt from Madārij al-Sālikīn ‘Ranks of the Divine Seekers,’ by Ibn Qayyim... ...
Baitul Malemerged as evidence for the existence of specialised institutions to collect, manage, and distribute state funds in the national interest, the use of which was regulated by sharia law and development priorities. In the context of a modern economy,Baitul Malis equivalent to the treasury ...
The Islamic or halal mortgage process is slightly different, allowing customers to get finance to buy a home in compliance with Sharia law
“Friendship is the hardest thing in the world to explain. It’s not something you learn in school. But if you haven’t learned the meaning of friendship, you really haven’t learned anything.” “If my mind can conceive it, and my heart can believe it – then I can achieve it.” ...
Term in Islam; meaning the community of learned men, direct translation 'the ones possessing knowledge'. Ulama is a plural term, and the singular can be both calîm and câlim, where both can be translated with 'learned, knowing man'. câlim is the most frequently used of the two. ...
Sharia, or Islamic Law, is the distillation of the Koran, Sira and Hadith into a life-code that all Muslims must obey without question. It can never be modified in any way, and this is one of the reasons why Islam is incompatible with modern democracy; its innate and immutable violence,...
The meaning of this is NOT that only the God of Muslims is God. It merely means that other than God, let no other thing be worshipped as God. Which pillar is most important in Islam? The first shahada promotes the essential unity of the faith, proclaiming that there is no god but ...