and other religious ceremonies. It also operates a full time primary and secondary Islamic school called “Al-Hadi School of Accelerative Learning”.
London: I. B. Taurus, 2009. A well-written and good introductory book that deals with the life, works, and thoughts of Nursi, particularly on culture and politics for beginners. The book has a good bibliography on Nursi (pp. 125–132)....
The process of Islamic education is not only in the school and family environment but also in society through a steadily and continuous process. In the era of globalization, competencies are needed in various sectors of formal and non-formal activities, so educational institutions are required to ...
In 1921,TheTimesin Londonwasthe firstto detect that the Protocolswereaforgery.This was also the resultofacourt case in Switzerland.4.2 History of the MotifAfterWorld WarI,German-folkish circles disseminated the Protocols in the Ger-man languagearea, and the Nazi propagandatool“Der Stürmer”...
The Centre for the Study of Global Governance, London School of Economics. Wu, M. L. (2006). Corporate social performance, corporate financial performance and firm size: A meta-analysis. Journal of American Academy of Business, 8, 163–171. Google Scholar Download references...
Evaluating the 'Social Responsibility' of Islamic Finance: Learning From the Experiences of Socially Responsible Investment Funds Salma Sairally∗ In order to fulfil the Shari[ah objective of promoting the welfare of society, Islamic financial institutions (IFIs) are expected to consciously ali...
İznik ware dishİznik ware dish, second half of the 16th century; in the Victoria and Albert Museum, London. Diameter 30.5 cm. Ottomanminiature paintingdoes not compare in quality to Persianpainting, which originally influenced the Turkish school.YetOttoman miniatures do have a character of the...
, Methods of Chemical and Metallurgical Investigation of Ancient Coinage, Royal Numismatic Society, London (1972), pp. 127-148 Google Scholar Gowland, 1918 W. Gowland VI silver in roman and earlier times: I. Pre-historic and proto-historic times Archaeologia or Miscellaneous Tracts Relating to...
74Ben Outhwaitethe writing tablets of Greece, which, as Roberts and Skeat point out, were usedfor texts of an “impermanent nature – letters, bills, accounts, school exercises,memoranda.”30We cannot be sure of the materials used, but it is evident that thescroll or other forms of roll,...
International Swaps and Derivatives Association (ISDA), London 10:30 – 11:45 Sukuk Market Trends and Developments Sukuk Market Overview • Challenges in Issuing Sukuk from Legal and Market Perspective Sukuk Default and Restructuring Sukuk Primary and Secondary Market Guidelines ...