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7. Urdu Lectures: Urdu: Realize the importance of time and leave laghw* things (laghw may be explained as anything that neither gives any benefit in the hereafter nor fulfills any legitimate worldly need. Every second is as precious as a big diamond which you either invest for the hereafte...
Jumma is the day of the week in Urdu while in English it is Friday. In Islam, Jumma is a very important day of the week. It is also considered Eid Day. Muslims all over the world celebrate Jumma by) Salaat-ul-Jumma or Friday Prayer in Mosques and get a hug with the Muslim communi...
There is, first, Qurʾānic exegesis in the narrow sense, consisting of dedicated commentaries that treat the text of scripture in its canonical order, either verse by verse or section by section. Such a work is referred to as a tafsīr, which is also the word for the activity of ...
the love of the milkmaid Radha for Krishna, a popular incarnation of the Hindu god Vishnu. In theenvironmentof the royal courts, there was a less idealistic interpretation of the word “love,” and much of thepoetry, as well as theminiature painting, of the period depicts the states of ex...
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also Urdu, Chagatai, Malay, Gujarati, Indic languages, and several Western languages; and subjects, including religious texts and commentaries; Sufism; history, geography, law, and the sciences (astronomy, astrology, mathematics, medicine); poetry and literature; rhetoric, logic, and philosophy; call...