Sharia is Islamic Law. It is the religious legal system that governs the political, social and moral duties of faithful Muslims. It is what is meant by "God's Law." Sharia is based on the Sunnah - the way of life of Muhammad as recorded in the Hadith (traditions). It is an organiz...
sharia,the religious law of Islam. As Islam makes no distinction between religion and life, Islamic law covers not only ritual but many aspects of life. The actual codification of canonic law is the result of the concurrent evolution of jurisprudence proper and the so-called science of the roo...
Related to Islamic lawyer:shariah,sharia law ijtihad (ˌɪdʒtəˈhɑːd) n an attempt to derive a legal ruling from the Koran Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, ...
islamic law (sharia) Mawukakan Lexicon Islamic law (sharia) Mawukakan Lexicon 显示算法生成的翻译 添加示例 在上下文、翻译记忆库中将“Islamic law"翻译成 Mahou 变形干 匹配词 找不到示例,请考虑添加一个示例。 您可以尝试更宽松的搜索以获得一些结果。
This site provides presentations, speeches, book reviews, and hyperlinks to valuable resources for the purpose of helping you to understand and counter the agenda of the Islamists who strive to impose sharia law on all people. Educate yourself, your family, and your friends, and then boldly tak...
The Duality of Sharia and Statute Law in Islamic Countries: Causes and ConsequencesMojab, Seyed Doraid MousaviJournal of Research in Humanities
the agency of localqāḍīs and plaintiffs in the process. The Habsburg bureaucracy reduced the application of Islamic law to the private sphere of family and marriage and established a two-tier court system, including a Supreme Sharia Court in Sarajevo, under state control. The analysis ...
网络伊斯兰律法;以伊斯兰律法;伊斯兰教教法 网络释义 1. 伊斯兰律法 ...会议审议通过由国王附署公告之,但相关法律规定不得与伊斯兰律法(Islamic Sharia Law)抵触。|基于4个网页 2. 以伊斯兰律法 阿布达贾利昨天表示,利比亚将会以伊斯兰律法(Islamic sharia law)作为立法根基,并设法减少利国...
Islamic law prohibits the consumption of pork and all intoxicants, such as alcohol. 在这些条目还发现'Islamic law': 在英文解释里: sharia 标题中含有单词 'Islamic law' 的论坛讨论: 标题中没有含有单词 'Islamic law' 。 访问Chinese 论坛。
Some countries have constitutional provisions based on Islamic law (Sharia), and they may be referred to as "Islamic states." However, it is important to note that interpretations of Islamic law can vary among different Muslim-majority countries. In international relations, "Islamic" can be used...