Ruggles, D. Fairchild. “The Framed Landscape in Islamic Spain and Mughal India.” InThe Garden: Myth, Meaning and Metaphor. Edited by Brian John Day, 1–33. Windsor, ON: Humanities Research Group, University of Windsor, 2003. In this essay, Ruggles makes a distinction between “body/archit...
One of the first modern historians fully to realize the importance of Arabic for the study of world history was George Sarton, World War I Belgian refugee who found scholastic sanctuary at Harvard and continued there for years his valuable studies in Orientalism as well as his editorship of the...
Upon entering the gardened complex there is a separate stone building off to the right that shelters the grave of Ka’b. One can enter to see the tomb housed between an edifice of wood and glass. The tomb of Ka’b appears to have once been located inside Yavedud Camii, a nearby mosqu...
Ideas where the evidence is embraced. There are unlimited notions in thisDhat(Essence). This is theDhat(Essence) that is with all ideas and attributes. There is a name for the Dhat that is together with all notions and attributes: it isWahed.Wahed(Unicity) is an evidentiary Name; it d...
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While this is a work abstractly intended for people of faith, it cannot be denied that a more concrete community is imagined. The ideas, narratives, and significations invoked throughout this book are unmistakably “Islamic” in character. So yes, this is a work of “Muslim” theology in ...
At which point the “ani” becomes the vehicle (merkavah) for the aspect of “the true Ani” referred to in the passuk “I am Hashem your G-d”, and is now included within the full unity of the holy yichud. It is for this reason that Keser is referred to as a “wonder” (...
including the observation of works of artists and architectural designers appearing in the mass media in light of a literature review and critical analysis of scholarly debates on Islamic architecture, spanning from historical perspectives to contemporary discussions. The article argues for the emergence ...
Furthermore, he recommends its use for oral hygiene. Some of the identified families among the wild species, such as Apiaceae, Amaranthaceae and Brassicaceae, include other potential garden plants, but identification to species-level has not been possible. Written sources describe the cultivation of ...