ISLAMIC FINANCE REGULATIONS IN MALAYSIA: A MACRO MAQASIDIC APPROACHSoualhi, YounesBouhraouia, SaidAl-Shajarah: Journal of the International Institute of Islamic Thought & Civilization
“Islamic finance and ESG investing share similar principles of being a good steward to society and the environment through prevention of harm and attainment of benefits,” says Nor Shamsiah Mohd Yunus, the ninth governor of Bank Negara Malaysia, the country’s central bank. “With many simila...
Although the concept of Islamic finance can be traced back about 1,400 years, its recent history can be dated to the 1970s when Islamic banks in Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates were launched. Bahrain and Malaysia emerged as centres of excellence in th...
CIMB Islamic 9.2 As a Visitor, you may cancel your access to and use of any Site (or receipt of any related Service) on these Terms at any time by discontinuing to access and use that Site and associated Content. 9.3 As a Registered User, you may cancel your registration at any time ...
Saudi Arabia has a active Sukuk sector within Islamic Finance, with most issuances being private to domestic investors.
Keywords: Islamic social finance; SDGs; policy coherence; refugees 1. Introduction In pre-modern history, religion, represented by the church, and the state, represented by rulers, had entrenched all powers over people and public affairs or over politics in general. However, since the birth of ...
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To truly understand the current interest in the development of Islamic banking and finance in South-East Asia, and how it is different from the conventional banking system, the author believes one ...
(2017). Risk Transfer, Risk Sharing, and Islamic Finance. In: Macroeconomic Policy and Islamic Finance in Malaysia. Financial Institutions, Reforms, and Policies in Muslim Countries. Palgrave Macmillan, New York. Download citation .RIS .ENW .BIB ...
involvement in the process of trading, leasing and project financing and so on. Profit and loss sharing (PLS) is viewed as a prominent feature to promote justice and equity in the economy. The financing under Islamic banking from consumer credit to long-term finance for big investment projects...