"If the debtor is in difficulty, then delay things until matters become easier for him; still, if you were to write it off as an act of charity, that would be better for you if you only knew."(The Qur'an, Al-Baqara, 2: 280) On the Day of Judgment, the Prophet (saaw) will...
Came across this article about an inspiring act of generosity by a group of Muslim calling themselves ‘Muslim Snow Patrol’, not to be mistaken for the badboys of East London calling… Palestinians born in Israeli military checkpoints
Dua is an arabic word which means an act of supplication. By invoking dua we pray to ALLAH and confess our weakness in front of him. When a muslim makes dua, it pleases Almighty ALLAH. However sinful the muslim might be, he should always make dua to ALLAH to seek forgiveness from him...
As the first young man to embrace Islam, it was ‘Ali (radiya’Llahu ‘anhu), the last of the Rightly-Guided Caliphs, the cousin and son-in-law of our noble Prophet (salla’Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) and the Lion of Allah, who came to represent the supreme example of youthful man...
act of terrorism,terrorism,terrorist act-thecalculateduseofviolence(orthethreatofviolence)againstciviliansinordertoattaingoalsthatarepoliticalorreligiousorideologicalinnature;thisisdonethroughintimidationorcoercionorinstillingfear Palestine- aformerBritishmandateontheeastcoastoftheMediterranean;dividedbetweenJordanandIsra...
You can appoint your spouse, children, any other family member, or friend to act as an executor. You can have any number of “back up” executors however, it is normally sufficient to have up to 3 executors, in case your first preference is not able to act as executor. You can ...
1989.11.06USASt. Louis, MO10A 17-year-old girl is stabbed to death by her parents for bringing 'dishonor' to their family by dating an 'infidel' African-American. 1980.08.31USASavou, IL20An Iranian student guns down his next-door neighbors, a husband and wife. ...
the entire shop’s contents are on the floor. Families from Dubai who stay in a European hotel, and completely trash the room. The children write with crayons on the walls, food is thrown around the room and basically they act like pigs to such an extent the room has to be repaired an...
the new movement for nationalization of the oil industry to undermine the British position and to seize Iranian oil for themselves; the growth of the anti-imperialist movement, however, forced them to act in concert with Great Britain and to pressure Iran not to implement the nationalization law...
In accordance with the Mālikī school of law enforced in the jihad states, there were several avenues through which an enslaved person could gain their freedom. Owners could manumit their slaves. Manumission was viewed as an act of benevolence and many pious owners manumitted slaves for that ...