The sighting of a new crescent moon marks the start of Ramadan, a time for piety and self-reflection.
Moreover, there are those traditional means by which to redistribute wealth through methods such as zakat, qard, and waqf. Indeed, the founding fathers of modern day Islamic finance have concurred to the view that IFIs do have a heightened sense of social responsibility, as do any other '...
(2013). Business and social responsibility in the Arab World: The Zakat vs CSR models in Syria and Dubai. Comparative Sociology, 12(1), 95–123. Google Scholar Shah, S. (2015). Education, leadership and Islam: Theories, discourses and practices from an Islamic perspective. London: ...
Given that ‘zakat, charity and benevolent funds’ are considered as one of the key characteristics of Islamic banks, a possible justification of the lowest level of disclosure of this dimension and its insignificant impact on the financial performance could be explained by the fact that Islamic ba...
Hence, the attainment of the SDGs requires the reinvigoration and the proper application of Zakat as reflected in the theory and practice of Islamic finance [66]. Figure 1 outlines the key enablers for reviving ISF in a globalized world. Figure 1. Key enablers for reviving ISF in a ...