Islamabad Capital Territory Policeis a force that was organized in 1981 under the action by the control of Chief Commissioner, Islamabad Capital Territory Administration. Thepolice forceis responsible to take the charge throughout the capital territory and the department is serving its best efforts to...
Criminal Investigation by Police, Causes and Effects of Faulty Investigation: A Case Study of Islamabad Capital Territory PoliceGhani, UsmanPakistan Journal of Criminology
Islamabad Police Jobs 2019 Application Form NTS To ensure transparency, fairness, and merit, Islamabad Capital Territory Police has assigned the responsibility of conducting recruitment process against the posts of AS’s and Constables (physical test, written test, and other sk...
clarified that 'responding to multiple requests from the Government of Pakistan and, with the approval of the Ministry of the Interior and other relevant Pakistani government agencies, agreed to fund the complete refurbishment of an existing firing range for the Islamabad Capital Territory Police'. ...
Islamabad (ĭsˌləməbädˈ, ĭslămˈ–), city and capital territory (2017 provisional pop. 2,006,572), capital of Pakistan, NE Pakistan, just NE of Rawalpindi, the former interim capital. Construction of Islamabad [city of Islam] as the capital, replacing Karachi, began ...
The capital of Pakistan, located within the Islamabad Capital Territory. [..] + 添加翻译 英文-中文字典 伊斯兰堡 proper the capital of Pakistan [..] Men load medicine from a WHO warehouse in Islamabad. 人们从伊斯兰堡的世卫组织仓库中装载药品。 伊斯蘭堡 proper the...
(Placename) the capital of Pakistan, in the north on the Potwar Plateau: site chosen in 1959; surrounded by the Capital Territory of Islamabad for 909 sq km (351 sq miles). Pop: 770 000 (2005 est) Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins...
when threatened them saying i’m calling the police. i was then given another room which still was not Show more The price is $48 $48 includes taxes & fees $40 per night Mar 4 - Mar 5NUVA HOTEL Hotel Croydon International Hotel Croydon International Hotel Croydon ...
Saidpur Village Photo: A8junea, CC BY-SA 3.0. Saidpur is a village and union council located in a ravine in Pakistan in the Margalla Hills, near the Daman-e-Koh overlook, in the Islamabad Capital Territory. Saidpur is situated 4 km north of Dynasty Hotel....
Rawat Town Rawat is a town and union council of the Islamabad Capital Territory in Pakistan. Rawat is situated 6 km south of Liaqat Hostel.Mohra Bakhtan Village Photo: Mr amazistic, CC BY-SA 4.0. Mohra Bakhtan is a village located in Tehsil Kallar Syedan. Mohra Bakhtan is situated ...