What to do when someone dies. This section is divided into four parts: • Practical steps to take upon the death of a loved one• What to do and who to contact when death occurs at home and the cause of death is known• What to do and who to contact when death occurs at a ...
If someone says, "You are the Son of the Cedars" it means that person is from Lebanon. Or, if from Egypt, "You are the Son of the Nile." To say that Jesus is the Son of God means that Jesus is from God. It is like a title. When the angel appeared to Mary, the angel said...
Muhammad Ali was was nicknamed as ‘The Greatest’. He was one of the legends in the sport of professional boxing. He stood at 6 feet 3 inches, and became an imposing figure in the ring. He became famous for his swift footwork, and powerful jab. What differentiates him from his contempo...
We need to know in which state the belief gene is activated in the brain. In Buddhist priests, a region in their brain is activated when all of their needs are met, their desires are fulfilled and they feel that their personality is integrated with the universe. What activates these three...
My God, the God of Abraham fights for me. What kind of a god do you have when you have to fight for him. Not a god with power, not Almighty God, not the God of Abraham, Allah is a black rock idol that the false prophet Mohammad found. ...
‘someone or something to be worshipped’. This meaning was also interpreted by some scholars in tafseer, as what quoted by The Imam of the experts in tafseer, Ibn Jarir Ath Thabari (See:Tafseer Ath Thabari, at soorah Muhammad: 19) and other scholars. This meaning will be even clearer ...
Is it necessary to perform prayer of thanks for the sacrificed animals that are donated? The prayer of thanks for two rakats that are performed when the sacrifice is slaughtered should be performed both when someone slaughters it himself and when he has it slaughtered by proxy. It is not far...
None of this matters in Islam. We are only presenting what the Glorious Quran confirms here. If Isaac was the sacrificed son, then it wouldn't matter. We still say Peace be upon all of Allah Almighty's Prophets and Messengers. And Isaac was certainly one of them, and we love Isaac and...
Look around you. Hey! What's that stack of clothes all about? Why so much clutter everywhere you look? And that kitchen -really? The bedroom looks like someone slept in it? (well, you did - you just forgot to organize it afterwards) And the closet looks like a storage building. ...
Minor apostasy is when someone embraces Islam and later leaves the religion peacefully without causing harm to the community. The sin is purely between the apostate and his Lord, and worldly punishments are not applied in this case. Allah said: ...