The Qur’an and the Sunna, or the sayings and actions of the Prophet as witnessed by his companions and passed on through the ages, guarantee women life, wealth, and happiness. Before the advent of Islam, female infanticide was a practice among the Arabian tribes. Muhammad forbad it. In a...
I am someone who sees that Islam throughout the ages has been pliable among the societies and cultures in which it has come to play a role. Islam can coexist and play a productive role in any society. I believe that us Muslims simply need to apply critical thinking skills and hard work...
Maimonides states that the popularity of Christianity and Islam are part of God’s plan to spread the ideals of Torah throughout the world. This moves society closer to a perfected state of morality and toward a greater understanding of God. All of this is in preparation for the Messianic ...
Even beyond the strictly legal purport of Muhammad’s example, the imitation of the Prophet has functioned as an important vehicle ofethicaland spiritual growth for many Muslims across the centuries. Thus, pious Muslims through the ages have endeavoured to follow Prophetic precedent even in such se...
through a supplication that glorifies God, nature itself responds and joins and that glorification, which is normally unperceived by people, becomes temporarily perceptible by them as they are in the ambit of the spiritualhimma, and the concentrated spiritual power of the one whose very being ...
Messiah. He taught the self righteousness and hypocrisy of man as the substitute for the faith righteousness given to man by God through the shed blood of Messiah. In the last days Satan, the deceiving god of Mohammed, will greatly use Islam to assist the Antichrist in his war on the ...
Parwez’s critical study in the all pervading light of the Holy Quran, of not only the history of Islam and Muslims, of the beliefs and practices of the pre-Islamic religions of humanity but also of the total area of human thought and socio-ideological movements throughout the ages....
Velillahil Mesriku Vel Magrib Feeynema Tuvellu Fesemme Vechullah 我要写乐评 The Music of Islam, Volume 14: Mystic Music Through the Ages的乐评 ···(全部 0 条) "The Music of Islam, Volume 14: Mystic Music Through the Ages"的论坛 ···...
Those who have claimed divinity for themselves down through the ages have often based their claims on the mistaken belief that God is present in man. Taking one step further, they claim that God is more present in them than the rest of us, and that other humans should therefore submit to...
Despite all this, fundamentalists have expropriated the Quran, committing many crimes by falsely quoting Quranic verses based on a rudimentary understanding of the holy text to advance particular political agendas while referring to views that have been fabricated through the ages. ...