The same God worshipped by various religions and known by various names and descriptions, e.g., in Islam, it's Allah; Christianity and Judaism, it's God; Hinduism, it's Brahmin; Sikhism, it's Sat Nam; it's all the same God masquerading via the diversity of creation and wearing the...
He is the same God worshiped by other traditions but under different names. Allah has made himself (Muslims always use the masculine pronoun) known through many prophets, including Abraham, Moses, and Jesus. He has revealed himself through scriptures, such as the Bible. But the "people of ...
Author of Divine Names: The 99 Healing Names of the One Love A marvelous book that gives a sound grasp of this great religion and nourishment to the heart we deeply need. This book is a source of majesty and beauty. OMID SAFI Professor of Middle Eastern Studies at Duke University ...
Allah in Islam has 100 beautiful names, and this cluster of names is called Asmaul Husna. They are His Divine attributes like All knowing, All Powerful, The Creator, The Cherisher, The Just, The Kind & Forgiving, All Seeing etc. Similarly, the masons refer to Allah by His various attribu...
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Islam and Christianity seem to have very little in common; however, the two actually show strong likeness, principally in the central areas. Both Muslims and Christians are monotheists, believing in one God. While both believe in the same God, He is called by two completely different names....
Thus, whether the Meccans are Ishmaelites or not, the evidence is still strong and sufficient to conclude that Muhammad's Allah is actually Hubal, i.e., the Baal of the Moabites and thus not the God of the Bible. Muhammad incorporated the characteristics and names of various other gods ...
Once man believes that God exists he must know His attributes and names. Generally speaking every perfection and absolute goodness belongs to Him, and no defect or wrong applies to Him. In specific terms, one should know and believe the following: 1. God is only One, has no partner or so...
to believe in them as true prophets, messengers and servants of Almighty Allah. He insisted on ranking all the prophets up at the highest level without any distinction between them, and ordered his followers to say the words, "peace and blessings be upon him" after mentioning their names. ...
These are sometimes linked with place-names, such as the passing reference to a victory at a place called Badr at 3:123. However, the text provides no dates for any of the historical events it alludes to, and almost none of the Qurʾānic messenger’s contemporaries are mentioned by ...