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Muslims believe there are five actions that they should perform. These are known as the Five Pillars of Islam: 1) Shahada (the declaration of faith), 2) Salat (the duty to pray five times a day), 3) Zakat (giving to charity), 4) Siyam (fasting during the moth of Ramadan), and 5...
A unique feature of Ramadan is that in relation to the Five Pillars of Islam, many individuals giving more to charity, the less fortunate and back to their community. They are practicing Zakat or alms as it is known in laymen’s. Ramadan can be explained using the terms “sacred time ...
The third pillar is Zakat, which is giving charity to the poor. The fourth pillar is Sawm, in which Muslims fast during Ramadan. Ramadan is a holly month in the Islamic calendar that Muslims are expected to fast from sun rise to sun down. The last pillar is the Hajj, which is the ...
teachings. Understandably, this made it so much easier for Mohammed to incorporate a huge amount of Jewish traditions into his Islamic religious teachings, without any protest from his Arab constituents. The teachings of there being One, Merciful God, the importance of prayer, giving charity, the...
Protecting oneself from Shaytan by satisfying one's desires and giving oneself rest and relief from the world by the two spouses enjoying each other's company. Division of labor. When one lives alone, much of his time will be taken up by cooking and tending to his domicile and will not...
Charity, or giving to the poor, is another important practice in the religion, fostering good of helping others in need. Fasting is well known as a practice in the holy month of Ramadan, as a way of achieving purity and focusing more on spiritual life. Hajj is also a well-known Islamic...
Muslims believe the dead person is not always aware of the transition, and so the one giving instructions informs the deceased that he or she has died, is being laid in the grave, and that two angels known as Munkar and Nakir will soon come into the grave to ask three questions. To ...
Charity and Giving(1) Death and The grave(3) Hellfire(2) Imam Ali (a.s) Ameer-Ul-Momineen(16) Kassim Ibne Hassan(as)(2) Kerbala(27) Lebanon(1) My statement(7) Palestine and freedom(1) Praise of Ahlul Bayt(A.S)(4) Ramadhan(3) ...
This is perhaps, a lot closer in meaning because when a person gives their pledge of allegiance to someone he or she is taking that person as a "wally" and this is called giving "bay'ah" in Arabic. Allah tells us the Quran, that while He (God) is our only "Wali" for the believe...