Warriors of the Steppe were the first which is why Khorasan (area of NE Persia) is another name for the mis-named “Terrorist” group IS/ “Sarmation” is derived from Sar meaning Prince; the Prince is Satan, the child in the lap of the Black Virgin. The “Golden Horde” of Genghis ...
The influence of Nu-Isis concentrates the Occult Tradition in both its Eastern and Western forms; it also embodies the new Current of Energy pervading human consciousness at the present stage of its evolution. In my opinion, the Nu-Isis current is designed to heighten the public feminine sexual...
’Фр£ог meaning ‘free men’ and that the Phrygians came from a country that in mythology and history books was called Phrygia, and today is known as the Mediterranean island of Crete. As part of the Roman ceremonies when a