ISIS(Islamic State in Iraq and Syria/Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham) 目前国际上最广泛使用的对该极端恐怖组织的称呼。该组织最早是基地组织在伊拉克的分支,在2013年入侵叙利亚后,被广泛称为ISIS。该组织在阿拉伯语中被称作Al-Dawla Al-Islamiya fi al-Iraq wa al-Sham,翻译成英文是Islamic State of Ir...
「伊斯兰国」有三大组成因子:「基地组织在伊拉克」(AQI, alQuaeda in Iraq)、「伊拉克伊斯兰国」(IS, Islamic State in Iraq),以及「耶路撒冷圣战士政务组织」(MajlisShura al Mujahideen,2011年堀起于埃及的西奈半岛,认为杀害犹太人是宗教义务,能更加靠近阿拉)。 2003年英、美...
But a chemistry professor from Sweden did exactly that to rescue a student and his family from ISIS in Iraq.go the extra mile 表示“加倍努力;多付出代价;多努力一点;做额外的工作;付出比别人期望中还要大的努力”,英文解释为“to make more effort than is expected of you”,举个🌰:He's a...
投靠扎卡维的前萨达姆军队逊尼派军官掌握权力,成立“国土在沙漠里”的“伊拉克伊斯兰国”(Islamic State of Iraq), 希望通过伊斯兰教法来管理这个“国家”,而后邀请精通伊斯兰教法的巴格达迪来协助他们。这就是最初的ISI,还不是IS,也不是ISIS。 ➤➤In...
因此ISIS也被称为“伊拉克和黎凡特伊斯兰国”(IslamicState in Iraq and Levant,简称ISIL)。ISIS的...
Islamic State resurfaces with attacks in Iraq’s Diyala 题图来自法新社。2015年1月26日,在伊拉克政府宣称迪亚拉省全境解放后不久,在省会米格达迪耶附近,几名政府军士兵玩弄着缴获的ISIS旗帜。
Iraqi Christians who fled the violence in the village of Qaraqush, about 30 kilometres east of the northern province of Nineveh, rest upon their arrival at the Saint-Joseph church in the Kurdish city of Arbil, in Iraq's autonomous Kurdistan region, Aug. 7, 2014. Gunmen from the Sunni Mus...
Five months after American-backed forces ousted the Islamic State from its last shard of territory in Syria, the terrorist group is gathering new strength, conducting guerrilla attacks across Iraq and Syria, retooling its financial networks and targeting new recruits at an allied-run tent camp, ...
Across the border, in Syria, the situation is reportedly worse. “We won’t allow ISIS to do any killing in Iraq nor in any other country, whether in the Western world or the Arab world,” the commander said. “We won’t allow ISIS… Never.” ...
赛德情报集团的总部在马里兰州,专门跟踪有关圣战的信息。 ISIS起源于一个曾经名为伊拉克基地组织(Al Qaeda in Iraq)的团伙,该组织有10年以上的极端主义暴力经验。除了斩首和把人钉在十字架上,ISIS还用其他残忍手段在叙利亚、伊拉克和黎巴嫩杀害了数千民众。