Experts said the reported destruction of the ancient Assyrian archaeological site located just south of Mosul recalled the Taliban's annihilation of large Buddha statues in Afghanistan in 2001, experts said. Nimrud was the second capital of Assyria, an ancient kingdom that began in about 900 B....
ISIS’s destruction of ancient sites across the country has been variously read as a war on non-Islamic history, and culture deemed significant to the West, as well as attempts to show up the weakness of theSyrian government. Earlier this year, Syrian archaeologists, in partnership with Russian...
BEIRUT-- The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) destruction of the ancient city of Nimrud in northern Iraq is part of a systematic campaign to destroy archaeological sites it says promote apostasy. Some of the world's most precious cultural treasures, including ancient sites in the cradle...
ISIS dynamited and bulldozed the ancient Assyrian city of Nimrud. This destruction was captured on video. The Agence France Presse (AFP) reports that several ISIS fighters were captured near Nimrud. If they took part in this destruction, they may face war crime charges. [Read the full stor...
Destruction by the Islamic State of the Temple of Baalshamin in Palmyra (Syria) in August 2015. Image © Wikipedia licensed under CC BY 2.0 Italy and UNESCO have signed an agreement to create a special Italian task force to protect art, cultural sites, and ancient artifacts that are located...
A picture taken in November 2016 shows destruction caused by ISIS at the archaeological site of Nimrud in the Nineveh province in northern Iraq, an area known in ancient times as Mesopotamia. ISIS is training children to be the next generation of fighters.Find out more on CBSN: On Assignment...
The Lamassu recreation is supposed to remind viewers of a devastating loss of culture, both historic and contemporary. But the installation is also a symbol of resilience, of the possibility of new beginnings in the face of brutality and destruction. ...
Temple of IsisDESTRUCTIONTreatmentMud wasps are one of the most important problems that many archaeological sites suffer from in Egypt, especially in southern Egypt. Wasp's growth increases, especially on the surface of stones or on mud-brick buildings, which represents a major challenge to these ...
Shelling and looting by the extremists is decimating ancient artifacts that date back millenia; but one group is trying to offset the damage
The destruction of the temple was only the latest blow to Palmyra, which had been mostly razed by ISIS over the past year. All that remained of the Temple of Bel was an archway that marked its entrance. Such a loss is devastating, but a group of archaeologists are determined to show ISI...