isis authentication-mode{simple|md5} {plainplain-text| [cipher]plain-cipher-text} [level-1|level-2] [ip|osi] [send-only] isis authentication-modekeychainkeychain-name[level-1|level-2] [send-only] isis authentication-modehmac-sha256key-idkey-id{plainplain-text| [cipher]plain-cipher-text}...
STRING<1-255>/<20-392> Plain text/Encrypted text cipher Encryption type (Cryptogram) (选择cipher加密,表示配置文件里的密码是加密的) plain Encryption type (Plain text) ((选择cipher加密,表示配置文件里的密码是明文) [r4-GigabitEthernet2/0/0]isis authentication-mode md5 plain admin 2-2 R5路由器...
isis authentication-mode { simple | md5 } { plain plain-text | [ cipher ] plain-cipher-text } [ level-1 | level-2 ] [ ip | osi ] [ send-only ] isis authentication-mode keychain keychain-name [ level-1 | level-2 ] [ send-only ] isis authentication-mode hmac-sha256 key-id ...
路由域认证:对Level-2的SNP和LSP报文进行认证 认证方式:NULL、明文、MD5 int g0/0/0 isis authentication-mode md5 huawei (isis没有md5的kid号,ospf有) IS-IS 形成邻居关系的条件 ①同一层次 ②同一区域 ③同一网段 ④相同网络类型 P2P broadcast ⑤相同的mtu值 ⑥认证相同 ⑦在P2P网络中,system-id长度要一...
isis authentication-mode md5 plain wolf 此时R1发送的hello报文中携带TLV=10的认证TLV,并且还是密文的: Authentication (t=10, l=17) Type: 10 Length: 17 hmac-md5 (54), message digest (length 16) = 63523f8e3b94afff9d9bf31b406b1bbf
[R1-GigabitEthernet0/1]isis authentication-mode md5 plain 123 区域认证: [R1]isis 1 [R1-isis-1]area-authentication-mode md5 plain h3c ISIS与BFD的联动:(拓扑见QQ收藏) [RouterA] bfd session init-mode active [RouterA] interface gigabitethernet 2/1/1 ...
isis authentication-mode simple|md5|hmac|keychain plain|cipher password [level-1|level-2|send-only] 未在结尾加上层级默认针对L1和L2的IIH报文. send-only: 只对发送的报文添加认证信息, 接收时无需认证. 区域认证配置: area-authentication-mode simple|md5|hmac|keychain plain|cipher password [all-send...
simple Plaintext authentication type [R1-Serial0/2/0]isis authentication-mode md5 123 [R2]int s0/2/0 [R2-Serial0/2/0]isis authentication-mode md5 456 十三.配置区域验证 简介 通过配置区域验证,可以防止将从不可信任的路由器学习到的路由信息加入到本地Level-1的LSDB中。
To specify the type of authentication used in Intermediate System-to-Intermediate System (IS-IS) packets for the IS-IS instance, use the authentication mode command in router configuration mode. To restore clear text authentication, use the no form of this command. authentication mode {md5 | ... Regards Conwyn Expand Post LikeReply kayode0835 Edited by Admin February 16, 2020 at 1:58 AM "The HMAC-MD5 mode cannot be mixed with the clear text mode on the same authentication scope (LSP or interface)....