Isis was the ancient Egyptian goddess ofmarriage, fertility, motherhood, magic and medicine. Many myths and legends exist about Isis in Egypt and Egyptian literature uses several names and titles for this goddess. Worship of Isis, her temples and her cult spread through Egypt and parts of Europe...
Define Isis (mythology). Isis (mythology) synonyms, Isis (mythology) pronunciation, Isis (mythology) translation, English dictionary definition of Isis (mythology). n. Mythology An ancient Egyptian goddess of fertility and magic who was the sister and wi
Isis, the Egyptian goddess of rebirth, remains one of the most familiar images of empowered feminine integrity. The goddess Isis was the first daughter of Geb, god of the Earth, andNut, the goddess of the Overarching Sky. Isis was born on the first day between the first years of creation...
Egyptian goddesses Isis and Nepthys, attendant on Osiris, King of the Dead. Courtesy Fortean Picture Library. Isis (religion, spiritualism, and occult) The great goddess of ancient Egypt whose worship came to spread across many lands and continues even today. Her name was originally Au Set (A...
nounAn ancient Egyptian goddess of fertility and magic who was the sister and wife of Osiris. from The Century Dictionary. nounInEgypt. myth., the chief female deity; the sister, wife, and counterpart or female form of Osiris, and the mother of Horus. ...
Tags:Ancient Egypt,Bastet,Bronze Age catastrophes,Egyptian medicine,Hathor,isis,Mars,Mut,myth,Ra,Sekhmet,Tefnut,Velikovsky,venus Why Topless? Why the Snakes? 21,322 views The famous Snake Goddess of ancient Crete has long attracted students of history and art. Elegant,risquée, enigmatic, she em...
Questions and answers about the ancient Egyptian goddess Isis. Video: Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc. Queen Nefertari Being Led by Isis Queen Nefertari Being Led by Isis, tempera on paper facsimile by Charles... The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York; Rogers Fund, 1930 (accession no. 30.4...
Understand Isis, the Egyptian goddess. Discover that Isis is the wife of Osiris. Find out facts and symbols of Isis, such as the Nile fills...
information relating to Isis’s etymology has been discovered. Isis was generally depicted wearing a crown resembling the hieroglyph for “throne.” Her name—as written in Ancient Egyptian—incorporated this glyph as well. Thus, Isis’s name was commonly understood to mean “throne goddess.”[1...
Isis [5aisis]n.伊希斯(古代埃及司生育和繁殖的女神)ISIS =Institute of Scrap Iron and Steel 废钢铁协会[美]Isis Isis 1 AHD:[º“s¹s]D.J.[6a!s!s]K.K.[6a!s!s]n.Mythology (名词)【神话】An ancient Egyptian goddess of fertility, the sister and wife of Osiris.伊希...