Local scale invariance has been investigated in the non-equilibrium kinetic Ising model exhibiting an absorbing phase transition of parity conserving type in 1+1 dimensions. Numerical evidence has been found for this symmetry and estimates for the critical ageing exponents are given....
Scale invariance in disordered systems: The example of the random-field Ising model - art. no. 257204 We show by numerical simulations that the correlation function of the random-field Ising model (RFIM) in the critical region in three dimensions has very s... G Parisi,N Sourlas - 《...
Disordered Ising modelThe phase-ordering kinetics of the ferromagnetic two-dimensional Ising model with uniform disorder is characterised by a dynamical exponent z = 2 + 蓻/T which depends continuously on the disorder and on temperature. This allows for a detailed test of local scale invariance ...
setup of the epsilon expansion for the long-range Ising model. We then provide nontrivial evi- dence for conformal invariance by computing φφ 3 and φ 2 φ 4 up to order 2 , as we find that these correlators vanish at the fixed point. This behavior does not follow from scale...
This model is widely used to describe magnetic and atomic ordering processes in materials. In this model, a spin +1 or −1 is associated with eachlattice site, depending on whether the magnetic moment on the site is ‘up’ or ‘down’ or whether the atom occupying the site is of the...
[arXiv:0709.3228v1] studied the phase-ordering kinetics of the two-dimensional Ising model with uniform spatially quenched disorder by Monte-Carlo simulations. They found that the two-time response and correlation functions are in agreement with the predictions of local scale invariance generalised to...
We consider a Glauber dynamics reversible with respect to the two-dimensional Ising model in a finite square of side L with open boundary conditions, in the absence of an external field and at large inverse temperature β. We prove that the gap in the spectrum of the generator restricted to...
To verify (H1), we use a standard nucleation-path type of argument, similar to what is given in Chapter 17 in [4] for the Ising model in Z2. It exploits translation invariance in the underlying graph, and the possibility to initiate a uniformly optimal path (as defined in the statement...
interesting results have been obtained in the case of fractal structures, exploiting their scale invariance and their properties under exact decimation procedures [1]. However a general discrete structures, i.e. a graph, which can feature
Since the scale dimension of the bulk spin field in the 3d Ising model is close to the free-field value, we expect the lowest-lying operator in the Ising defect spectrum to have dimension close to 1 and share the other quantum numbers with the free-theory ψ. Going back to the free ...