除此之外,各个格点可能受到外磁场(external magnetic field)H的影响。 图1与图2分别显示了 1维与2维情形下的Ising Model。 图1 1维情形下的Ising Model 图2 2维情形下的Ising Model 2. Ising模型下的各物理量公式 Ising模型下的一个配置(configuration)为对于系统内各个格点 σi 所关联的变量 σi进行−1...
Franz Utermohlen: Notes on "Mean Field Theory Solution of the Ising Model" 接下来,我们来看看究竟在哪里做了近似,其实最直接的就是这里假设了\delta S_i \ \delta S_j \approx 0;在热扰动(thermal fluctuation)较小的时候,这个式子成立。物理上来理解,在维度较低的时候,热扰动可能会比较明显,因此平均场...
We study the fate of the Ising model and its universal properties when driven by a rapid periodic drive and weakly coupled to a bath at equilibrium. The far-from-equilibrium steady-state regime is accessed by means of a Floquet mean-field approach. We show that, depending on the details ...
比如说横场伊辛模型(Transverse-field Ising model,简称TIM),它是于1963年由Gennes提出。TIM是在Ising模型的基础上考虑了横向外场的作用,所谓横向外场,是指外场的方向垂直于Ising模型中自旋投影的方向。在这里横向外场可以看作 13、是晶体内部横向遂穿效应的一种等效,从而可以应用于零温的量子相变。TIM的哈密顿量可以...
比如说横场伊辛模型(Transverse-field Ising model,简称TIM),它是于1963年由Gennes提出。TIM是在Ising模型的基础上考虑了‘横向’外场的作用,所谓横向外场,是指外场的方向垂直于Ising模型中自旋投影的方向。在这里横向外场可以看作是晶体内部横向遂穿效应的一种等效,从而可以应用于零温的量子相变。TIM的哈密顿量可以...
In this study, the mean-field Ising model, using the Bogolyubov inequality which has been obtained in the framework of the generalized statistical thermodynamics (GST), suitable for non-extensive systems, has been investigated. Generalized expressions for the mean-field magnetization and free energy ...
The mean-field renormalisation group approach is applied to the anisotropic Ising model by considering clusters consisting of finite blocks of spins and clusters consisting of infinite strips of spins with the finite widths. The critical temperature and estimates of the critical exponent nu are obtaine...
and Saad, D.: Generalized mean field approximation for parallel dynamics of the Ising model. Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2014, P07001 (2014)Hamed Mahmoudi and David Saad. Generalized mean field approximation for parallel dynamics of the ising model. Journal of ...
Kinetic Ising models are powerful tools for studying the non-equilibrium dynamics of complex systems. As their behavior is not tractable for large networks, many mean-field methods have been proposed for their analysis, each based on unique assumptions a