PENGARUH SORPSI AIR DAN SUHU TRANSISI GELAS TERHADAP LAJU PENCOKLATAN NON-ENZIMATIS PADA PANGAN MODEL [The Effect of Water Sorption and Glass Transition Temperature on Non-Enzymatic Browning Reaction of Food Models]glass transitionnon-enzymatic browning...
1 2 3 4 5 ••• 35 跳至页 84 潜力指数 99 热度指数 Eatkit Gelas Kaca Aesthetic 350ml Simple Elegan Water Mug Cup for Coffee and Tea 厨房用品 4.6 9.30万 销量 Rp6.05亿 销售额 80 潜力指数 77 热度指数 7.58万 销量 Rp5.33亿 ...
empty the contents of one sachet into a glass.Add ±75cc warm water (50℃).add ice and serve .Tuangkan seluruh isi sachet ke dalam gelas .Tambahkan ±75cc air hangat (50℃).Aduk hingga merata ,tembahkan esdan hidangkan.答案
KOMPOSISI-KOMPOSISI GELAS SILIKA-SODA-KAPUR DAN PEMAKAIANNYAThe invention relates to a glass composition intended for the production of substrates or plates thermally stable, which comprises the components c - after in the following proportions by weight: & lt; & gt; br / sio2: 55 - 60% ...
The overall system accuracy was calculated as 0.96. The results obtained in this study suggest that by increasing the number of real-time tests and images, the inter-operator variability in the diagnosis of DDH can be eliminated.zdemir, M. Cihad...
A number of substitution variants and addition variants of this peptide, preferably capped at the N- and C- termini, as well as peptidomimetic derivatives, are useful for treating diseases and conditions mediated by undesired and uncontrolled cell invasion and/or angiogenesis. Pharmaceutical ...
The determination of gel swelling pressure of reactive aggregates by ASGPM device and a new reactive-innocuous aggregate decision chart. Construction and Building Materials, 22(1), 1-13.A. Binal, The determination of gel swelling pressure of reactive aggregates by ASGPM device and a new ...
KAIN BUKAN TENUNAN TAHAN PANAS DARI SERAT GELAS YANG BERKAITAN, DENGAN KOMPOSISI BERAIR, PERBAIKAN YANG DIPERCEPAT, DAN BEBAS FORMALDEHIDA formaldehyde-free curable aqueous composition comprising: (a) a polyacid comprising at least two carboxylic acid groups, anhydride groups, or salts of the ...
Alkali-silica reaction occurs when reactive silica in aggregates chemically reacts with alkaline components of cement, forming alkali-silica gel that has harmful effects on concrete because of high swelling capacity and internal pressure. In this study, alkali-silica gel pressure measuring (ASGPM) ...