On Saturday, Surbhi launched her rendition of the popular Pakistani song ‘Kahani Suno’.The dreamy varmala video of Surbhi and Karan went viral on the internet, which featured the ‘Naagin 5’ actress walking down the aisle, while the track ‘Kahani Suno’ by Kaifi Khalil plays in the back...
Evelyn Sharmais planning to do something which she hasn't in the past. After portraying sexy and glamourous roles in her previous films likeYeh Jawaani Hai DeewaniandYaariyan, she'll be seen playing a simple teacher in her upcoming filmIshqedarriyaan. ...
On Saturday, Surbhi launched her rendition of the popular Pakistani song ‘Kahani Suno’.The dreamy varmala video of Surbhi and Karan went viral on the internet, which featured the ‘Naagin 5’ actress walking down the aisle, while the track ‘Kahani Suno’ by Kaifi Khalil plays in the back...