Jaisingh is known for playing lead roles in family drama like ‘Durga Aur Charu’, ‘Pavitra Bhagya’ and ‘Muskurane Ki Vajah Tum Ho’. While, Bharati did shows like ‘Ishaan’, ‘Humse Hai Life’, ‘The Buddy Project’, and ‘Pyar Tune Kya Kiya’.View this post on... See full...
Jaisingh is known for playing lead roles in family drama like ‘Durga Aur Charu’, ‘Pavitra Bhagya’ and ‘Muskurane Ki Vajah Tum Ho’. While, Bharati did shows like ‘Ishaan’, ‘Humse Hai Life’, ‘The Buddy Project’, and ‘Pyar Tune Kya Kiya’.View this post on... See full...