(GOVT.US) (美元) ETF 升跌 成交量 買價(延遲) 前收市價/開市 / 升跌(%) 資產總值 257.33億 賣價(延遲) 波幅 收益率 2.94% 淨開支比率 0.05% 每股淨值 (美元) 22.246 每股淨值更新日期 2025/01/13 量比 /委比(延遲) 交易所 AMEX 振幅
Learn everything you need to know about iShares US Treasury Bond ETF (GOVT) and how it ranks compared to other funds. Research performance, expense ratio, holdings, and volatility to see if it's the right fund for you.
用富途牛牛查看iShares 20+ Year US Treasury Bond ETF (2255)的股票价格、新闻、历史走势图、分析师评级、财务信息和行情。使用富途牛牛免佣金股票交易App进行交易。
iShares U.S. Treasury Bond ETF (GOVT) After Market ETF Quotes - Nasdaq offers after market quotes & market activity data for US and global markets.
ISHARES 25+ YEAR TREASURY STRIPS BOND ETF将于2024年12月2日除权除息,1股派股息0.03857USD 富途资讯11/30 08:55 美国national debt 达到了 36万亿美金。DOGE 会帮助解决这个问题吗? Seeking Alpha11/25 20:14 SA观点:债务是美国选民关注的首要经济问题 Seeking Alpha11/05 16:42 SA情绪:如何最好地解决美国...
iShares U.S. Treasury Bond ETF (GOVT) Real-time ETF Quotes - Nasdaq offers real-time quotes & market activity data for US and global markets.
The iShares 20+ Year Treasury Bond ETF seeks to track the investment results of an index composed of U.S. Treasury bonds with remaining maturities greater than twenty years.
The iShares 20+ Year Treasury Bond ETF seeks to track the investment results of an index composed of U.S. Treasury bonds with remaining maturities greater than twenty years.
TLT ETF,全称iShares 20+ Year Treasury Bond ETF,是一种投资于美国长期国债的交易所交易基金。它的目标是追踪ICE U.S. Treasury 20+ Year Bond Index,这个指数包括所有到期日在20年以上的美国国债。TLT ETF是投资者在美国债券市场上进行投资的重要工具之一。首先,TLT E
iShares Trust - iShares 20+ Year Treasury Bond BuyWrite Strategy ETF今天的市值是19.531 B。比较当前市值与历史表现,并将TLTW *的市值与竞争对手进行评比。