iShares Physical Silver ETC 452.90 0.00(0.00%) 1日 1周 1个月 3个月 6个月 1年 5年 最大值 昨收 - 开盘 452.90 量 0 平均成交量 (3个月) 300 1年涨跌幅 - 当日幅度 452.9-452.9 52 周范围 384.95-452.9 市值 - 总资产 - 流通股份 - 投资回报率(连续12个月) - 股息(连续12个月) - 股...
iShares Physical Silver ETC (ISLNN) 墨西哥 创建提醒 一次 % 添加至投资组合 452.90+0.00+0.00% 11/05- 闭盘.MXN货币 类型:交易所交易基金 市场:墨西哥 发行商:BlackRock Advisors (UK) Limited - ETF ISIN:IE00B4NCWG09 资产类别:期货 量:0 卖价/买价:0.00/0.00...
iShares Physical Silver(SSLN)ETF论坛讨论区,ETF吧。专业ETF投资者都在这交流iShares Physical Silver(SSLN)ETF的最新动态,行情走势和交易策略。
The article reports on the launch of the first physically backed Exchange Traded Commodities (ETC) in Great Britain of iShares, the Exchange Traded Funds (ETF) platform of BlackRock, offering high quality, transparent and liquid exposure to gold, silver, platinum and palladium....
就是iShares Silver Trust,此外还包括Wisdomtree Physical Sliver ETC(PHAG)和Aberdeen(Abrdn)Physical Sliver Shares ETF(SIVR),三者截至2022年7月25日的白银持仓量分别为12357.7吨、2514.2吨、1466吨,其他持仓量较大的基金还包括SSLN iShares Physical Sliver ETC的710.3吨、PHPP Wisdomtree Physical Sliver PM ETC的...
operatore e agente di pubblicazione del prezzo dell’oro LBMA e viene utilizzato da BlackRock tramite contratto di sublicenza con ICE.iShares Physical Silver ETC si basa interamente o in parte sul prezzo d’argento LBMA di proprietà di Precious Metals Price Limited, fornito e concesso tram...
which includes the language from numerous approval orders for which the underlying futures markets formed the basis for approving series of ETPs that hold physical metals, including gold, silver, palladium, platinum, and precious metals more broadly; and 37600, specifically where the Commission provid...
operatore e agente di pubblicazione del prezzo dell’oro LBMA e viene utilizzato da BlackRock tramite contratto di sublicenza con ICE.iShares Physical Silver ETC si basa interamente o in parte sul prezzo d’argento LBMA di proprietà di Precious Metals Price Limited, fornito e concesso tramit...
iShares Physical Silver ETC (ISLNN) 墨西哥 创建提醒 添加至投资组合 iShares Physical Silver历史数据,更多实时数据请通过搜索框搜索获取。452.90 +0.00 +0.00% 11/05 - 延迟数据. MXN 货币 类型: 交易所交易基金 市场: 墨西哥 发行商: BlackRock Advisors (UK) Limited - ETF ISIN: IE00B4NCWG...