yoga center, which made me think that if they didn’t have any classes (which they didn’t), there would at least be a place to do yoga on my own (which there wasn’t). The Adiyogi (Abode of Yoga) is a very special building. The grounds are very peaceful. I understand why ...
Hatha Yoga目前共有5种,它可以很剧烈,比如Angamardana,感觉像个体操训练,充满力量感;它也可以很温和,比如Upa Yoga。Upa Yoga好像有网上教程,而且美国线下有很多免费课程;我日常练习的surya kriya则比较平均,偏体势,也带些冥想。 不用太排斥自己不了解的东西,这玩意试错成本很低,去报名学一下,学会了以后自己在家...