Prayer (salah or salat in Arabic and namaz in Persian) is an important part of Islam, and Muslims are required to pray five times a day. If you’re visiting or living in Sharjah, it’s important to know accurate prayer times so that you can pray on time. We offer today’s prayer t...
Today Maghrib time in Jelutong is 07:01 PM. What are the Isha timings in Jelutong? Isha prayer time Jelutong is 08:14 PM. When Fajr namaz time in Jelutong start? Time for Fajr in Jelutong starts at 05:56 AM. At what time Fajr prayer time in Jelutong Malaysia today end? Fajr prayer...
Today Maghrib time in Bull Bay is 05:41 PM. What are the Isha timings in Bull Bay? Isha prayer time Bull Bay is 06:48 PM. When Fajr namaz time in Bull Bay start? Time for Fajr in Bull Bay starts at 04:50 AM. At what time Fajr prayer time in Bull Bay Jamaica today end? Fajr...
Today Maghrib time in Beijing is 05:09 PM. What are the Isha timings in Beijing? Isha prayer time Beijing is 06:38 PM. When Fajr namaz time in Beijing start? Time for Fajr in Beijing starts at 05:59 AM. At what time Fajr prayer time in Beijing China today end? Fajr prayer time ...