它可以通过与蛋白质结合isg化或以自由分子形式存在胞内和胞外,并发挥抗病毒和免疫调节等多种功能。前期研究发现人isg15与hiv dna载体疫苗共同免疫能够增强特异性cd8+t细胞的免疫反应,但关于isg15在体液免疫应答中的作用目前还没有相关报道。 技术实现思路 1、有鉴于此,本发明的目的在于提供一种isg15作为基因佐剂在制...
We demonstrate that vaccination against ISG15 results in significant CD8-mediated reductions in both primary and metastatic mammary tumor burden. These results validate ISG15 as a tumor-associated antigen for cancer immunotherapy.doi:10.1007/s00262-011-1129-9Laurence M. Wood...
O. et al. Ubiquitin-like molecule ISG15 acts as an immune adjuvant to enhance antigen-specific CD8 T cell tumor immunity. Mol. Ther. 23, 1653–1662 (2015). CAS PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar Malakhova, O. A. et al. Protein ISGylation modulates the JAK-STAT signaling pathway. ...
ISG15 in several cancer types of cervix, blood, and ovaries decreases proliferation and increases apoptosis, resulting in tumor suppression205,206,207. ISG15 upregulation in advanced-stage high-grade serous ovarian cancer (HGSOC) leads to an increase in the number of tumor-infiltrating CD8 +...
虽然这些研究建立了isg15作为免疫调节分子起作用的能力,但是其影响cd8t细胞免疫应答并且充当疫苗佐剂的能力仍是未知的。 还以许多不同方式(例如,注射、口服等)将疫苗施用到许多不同的组织(例如,肌内、鼻内等)中。然而,并非所有的递送方法都是等效的。一些递送方法允许在个体群体内的更大顺从性,而其他递送方法可...
随后,该团队探究了ARIH1在Trex1敲除导致的自身免疫小鼠模型中的功能。结果表明在 Trex1 -/- 小鼠的髓系细胞中敲除ARIH1能够挽救Trex1缺陷导致的致死性自身免疫表型,抑制脾脏生发中心B细胞的分化和CD8 + T细胞的活化,降低肝脏、肺、心脏中免疫细胞的浸润以及外周血中炎症因子和总IgG的水平。
Free ISG15 as a dimer generates IL-1β-producing CD8α+ dendritic cells at the site of infectionISG15 is strongly induced after type I IFN stimulation producing a protein comprised of two ubiquitin-like domains. Intracellularly, ISG15... Napolitano A,van der Veen Ag,Bunyan M,... - Cold ...
CD8 + T cells and macrophages regulate pathogenesis in a mouse model of Middle East respiratory syndrome J. Virol., 91 (2017), 10.1128/JVI.01825-16 Google Scholar [85] A.S. Cockrell, B.L. Yount, T. Scobey, K. Jensen, M. Douglas, A. Beall, X.-C. Tang, W.A. Marasco, M.T....