But because they are so different, their strengths are the ISFP’s weaknesses, and if they are able to develop a relationship, they can learn a tremendous amount from each other. ESTJ The Supervisor ISFP with ESTJ INTJ The Mastermind ISFP with INTJ ENTJ The Commander ISFP with ENTJ ...
——ISFP Compatibility: Relationships, Love, Romance, and Dating 以下是关于 ISFJ 兼容性的正面和负面的预期摘要: 与其他人格类型的整体兼容性 虽然ISFP 可以与任何类型的人建立成熟的关系,但他们最好与 ESFJ 和 ESTJ 等外向类型融合。另一方面,ISFP 可能会发现与直觉类型的关系具有挑战性,例如ENTP、ENFJ、INTJ和...
ISFPs are easily bored. ISFP females are no different. This boredom extends to their relationship. Thus, they want new experiences in their relationship. They want their partners to surprise them and do memorable things with them. This also extends to intimacy. ISFP females want to feel free ...
ESFJ 最差的匹配 ESFJ 最差的匹配是INTJ。ESFJ 喜欢社交和与他人联系。INTJ 正好相反,他们需要大量的空间和独处。此外,ESFJ 专注于当下,很少考虑让 INTJ 高兴的摘要。 两个性格都在判断,所以固执也会在使合作关系复杂化方面发挥作用。 ESFJ 兼容性图表 ESFJ 在一段关系中寻找什么 ESFJ 在他们的人际关系上投入了...