People with the ISFJ personality type can become attached to their vision of how things “should” be. In the world of friendship, they may believe – consciously or not – that they should be completely selfless. But when they ease up on this expectation, balancing their friends’ needs wi...
You can count on them, however, run and get the nearest authority figure.) Unlike with EPs, the older the friendship is, the more an ISFJ will value it. One ISFJ trait that is easily misunderstood by those who haven't known them long is that they are often unable to either hide or ...
Did I love the INFJ and the ENxP? Yes. I fell hard and fast. Was I "head over heels" for them *all* the time? No. I had other short-lived relationships that fizzled. The last time it happened, I was able to let it go as soon as it began. So I think that the more I le...
They would be best friends with an ESFP & ESTP, while they should avoid INFP, ENFP, INFJ & ENTJ at all costs. They would also make pretty good friends with other fellow ISFJ's, as well as ESFJ, ISTJ, and ESTJ. Now, let's take a look and see which celebrities obtain an ISFJ ...
(36) Melancholic-Phlegmatic(2) Alignment17 投票 True Neutral(15) Chaotic Neutral(1) Big 5 (SLOAN)19 投票 RLUAN(18) RLUEI(1) 作品🎬 千与千寻的神隐 出演👀 鲍勃·伯根 全部顯示 共126則人格分析 最新最優質最高贊 更多 exPDBee3599924XXXX • Baron He is very INFJ Ni I think and very ...
her friendship with Araragi and the world around her. 9w1 for fairly obvious reasons. Black Hanekawa is even typed as ESFP on this site, the ISFJ's complementary opposite. 閱讀更多 最後編輯:2 years ago 16 hypocrite lecteurINFP 4w5 • PikemanINFJ I struggle to square Hanekawa as an ISFJ ...
and masks but they tend to drop off when it's no longer needed; this is what we are seeing in this girl, and unlike an ENFJ or INFJ who talks one-to-one solo in a trusting manner with Ti, she clearly has 'distance' inside her head relative to others and weighs it like a ...
Good(11) Chaotic Good(3) Big 5 (SLOAN)25 投票 SCOAI(16) SLOAI(3) 作品🎬 小马宝莉:友谊就是魔法 (2010) 出演👀 米歇尔·克雷伯 大谷育江 全部顯示 共34則人格分析 最新最優質最高贊 更多 HamanthaINFJ 4w5 • ArchdukeENTP - 4w3 Perhaps the only tie I’ve seen between ESFJ and ENTP...