经过长时间的多方咨询、筹划、研讨,他们勾画出了新的安全申报蓝图。即将推出的新一代贸易信息单元(AdvancedTrade Data Elements)就是AMS推广以来,一个变化更大、影响更深远的项目,即是俗称的“10 + 2新规”,美国海关对此的另一个称谓就是“进口商安全申报ISF(Importer SecurityFiling)”。(二) ...
4.stuffinglocationandconsolidatoraRenotrequiredforfilingFlexibletimingdata.ifyouhaveallapplicableisFdataelementsexceptthesetwo,getyourisFfiledimmediatelyandamendthefilingonceyouhavestuffinglocationandconsolidator information. 5.theisFdataelementformisonlyrequirediftheshipperprovidedittoorigin.phoenix/agentoriginofficesaRenot...
If you have all applicable ISF data elements except these two, get your ISF filed immediately and amend the filing once you have Stuffing Location and Consolidator information. 5. The ISF Data Element form is only required if the Shipper provided it to origin. Phoenix / Agent Origin offices ...
type 10outer continental shelf shipmentsconfidentialtiycontact information (cbp)container status messages (csms)cruise vessels and isfdata elements (general and specific questions)isf-10 elemen 10、tsa. importer of record number b. consignee number c. ship to party d. manufacturer (supplier) name/...
13、required for filing flexible timing data.if you have all applicable isf data elements except these two, get your isf filed immediately and amend the filing once you have stuffing location and consolidator information.5. the isf data element form is only required if the shipper provided it ...
If you have all applicable ISF data elements except these two, get your ISF filed immediately and amend the filing once you have Stuffing Location and Consolidatorinformation. 5. The ISF Data Element form is only required if the Shipper provided it to origin.Phoenix/ Agent Origin offices ARE ...
1. 10+2 Data Elements As the importer of record for your shipment, there are 10 pieces of information that you are required to provide on your ISF filing for all merchandise being imported at the most detailed bill of lading level. Additionally, there are two data elements that are needed...
If you have all applicable ISF data elements except these two, get your ISF filed immediately and amend the filing once you have Stuffing Location and Consolidator information. 5. The ISF Data Element form is only required if the Shipper provided it to origin.Phoenix/ Agent Origin offices ARE...