However, it flips the script in ways that are both unexpected and ingenious. The story follows the titular "Ojisan" (literally meaning "uncle"), who wakes up from a 17-year-long coma only to reveal that he had been transported to a fantasy world during that time. Unlike the typical ...
As of the writing of this article, Wit Studio and DC have yet to release the English Dub cast for The Suicide Isekai. Luckily, the upcoming Isekai has released its Japanese dub cast, meaning anime fans know who is taking on the role of the Joker this time around. The Harlequin of Hate...
Meaning, you are stuck. Other games have a soft pity, but it doesn’t seem like this game has it. So if you are unlucky like me and not intending to spend any money, then don’t bother playing this game. Of course you can also be lucky like my husband who has a 5* character ...
Based on the assumption that a similar yet different world exists, Western and Eastern fantasies meet in one similar concept: isekai (Japanese, meaning 'different world' or 'otherworld'). Isekai is a Japanese subgenre which can also be interpreted alongside possible worl...
A new anime season is upon us, meaning that we are spoiled for choice when it comes to new content to watch and/or read. From returning favorites like Black Butler , My Hero Academia and Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba to highly anticipated newcomers like Kaiju No. 8 , A Condition Called...
There isn't really much that could be done to make this show better either because the foundation it is built around is so weak to begin with that there really is nothing to extrapolate meaning from in any of this.Normally, shows like this aren't much of an issue and can be a good ...
What is the true meaning behind the goddess’ words? Three hints: “save the world”, “capture dungeons” and “your opponents are those from your world”. Associated Names Is It Bad to Be Saved in a Different World? 救わなきゃダメですか? 異世界 Related Series N/A Recommendations...
giving you a feeling of excitement. But then you look in the mirror, and see that you are stuck in the body of the game’s primary villain. Even worse: you know that a horrible fate awaits for this character, meaning that you’ll be forced to experience the same. What’s a person ...
Your parents are adventurers, meaning they're away from home almost all year round,leaving just you and your little sister.What kind of big brother will you be!? vndb EGS ET getchu holyseal Rating: 8.14 (199 votes) Heroine wa Tomodachi Desu ka? Koibito Desu ka? Soretomo Tomefure ...
A new anime season is upon us, meaning that we are spoiled for choice when it comes to new content to watch and/or read. From returning favorites like Black Butler , My Hero Academia and Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba to highly anticipated newcomers like Kaiju No. 8 , A Condition Called...