根据德国ISEA和亚琛工业大学(RWTH Aachen University)的统计数据,2024年1月至4月,德国安装了1,550 MWh的住宅储能容量,同比下降了12.19%。同一时期,商业和工业(C&I)储能的新安装量达到了56.2 MWh,同比下降了1.92%[^1](网页链接)。
Two different coals used for research on flameless combustion at the Institute of Heat and Mass Transfer (WK), RWTH Aachen University are examined. The results obtained are analysed and discussed. Numerical and experimental data of temperature, species and velocities data are compared....
1. Aerodynamisches Institut der RWTH Aachen 2. Institut für Wissenschaftliches Rechnen, Universität Heidelberg Authors Jochen Ströhle (3) Frank Rückert (3) Benedetto Risio (4) Uwe Schnell (3) Klaus R. G. Hein (3) Author Affiliations 3. Institute of Process Engineering and Po...
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