ISDIN Kox eyes combats dark circles and puffiness and, helps restore youthfulness in the very delicate skin around the eyes.
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AM:When you’re trying to squeeze the most out of your PTO, it can catch up with your skin. Vitamin K oxide helps diminish the look of dark circles.Our recommendation:K-Ox Eyes PM:Help the skin around your eyes start anew each day. Eye contour cream formulas with antioxidant melatonin ...
A cooling, multi-functional primer and moisturizer is the right fit for your busy schedule. Minimize bags and dark circles: K-Ox Eyes This multitasker combats bags, puffiness, and dark circlesin one stroke, brightening the under eye area. To top it off, the award-winning formula offers a f...
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Yes!Hyaluronic acid formulas made specifically for theeye contour areacan be both essential and effective.Thanks to its ability to bind to water, this hydrating ingredient can help restore elasticity and moisture levels around the eyes as well. Try it inHyaluronic EyesandK-Ox Eyes. ...