Lake Travis ISD Please log in below to access eligibility forms and student profiles. Forgot your password?Click Here OrContinue with One Time Login CodeLogin with PasskeyContinue with FacebookContinue with GoogleSign in with Apple Don't have an account yet?Create a new account....
Welcome to the Parent Portal! Once you have reviewed the instructions to proceed to online forms To access the online forms click over the “Electronic Participation Forms” tab. You will get a drop down list of the forms. You will need to access and sign all forms. Click on the form ...
Welcome to the Parent Portal! Once you have reviewed the instructions to proceed to online forms YOU MUST HAVE YOUR ATHLETE’S SCHOOL ID NUMBER AVAILABLE.You must have your son/daughter’s Student ID number in order to fill out the required forms with a leading zero, (ex 012345). For ...
Welcome to the Parent Portal! Once you have reviewed the instructions to proceed to online forms ** You MUST have your student’s ID number available as it is required on each form ** • To access the online forms hold your curser over the “Electronic Participation Forms” tab. You ...