1.创建 target scstadmin -add_target TARET_NAME -driver iscsi TARET_NAME 替换为你想要的 target name,一般是采用这种格式: iqn.yyyy-mm.<reversed domain name>:identifier iqn.年年-月.单位网域名的反转写法 :这个分享的 target 名称 scstadmin -add_target ?iqn.2016-08.com ?-driver iscsi 激活target...
iSCSI协议是通过客户端名称进行验证的,用户在访问存储共享资源时不需要输入密码,只要iSCSI客户端的名称与服务端中设置的访问控制列表中某一名称条目一致即可,因此需要在iSCSI服务端的配置文件中写入一串能够验证用户信息的名称。acls参数目录用于存放能够访问iSCSI服务端共享存储资源的客户端名称。 详情见下图: 补充: iqn.2...
前言:SCST是一个老版本的linux target实现了,现在基本已经被LIO取代 HOWTO For iSCSI-SCST 这是一个非常快速的HOWTO,旨在提供有关如何设置和配置iSCSI-SCST的快速参考。有关更深入的信息,请参阅SCST和iSCSI-SCST README文件。 使用sc
This PR adds SHA256 and SHA3-256 support to CHAP. Since in SCST CHAP negotiation is performed by the userspaceiscsi-scstddaemon, the PR uses the kernel userspaceAL_ALGAPI to access the additional hash functions. If configured for CHAP, on iSCSI login the client will present an ordered l...
看上去是你的内核模块有问题(iscsi-scst.ko), 建议你参考 SCST Configuration How-To Using Gentoo
scst target 的iscsi参数设置 /etc/iscsi-scstd文件是配置iscsi的配置文件,其中每行#号都是注释,可以去掉#号,并且修改参数来对iscsi target的属性进行修改。 (1)账号接口 去掉IncomingUser的注释符号,可增加此行的用户。(支持多账号)下图为frank和joe两个账号 ...
A tool for loading, saving and modifying the SCST configuration in directory scstadmin/. Several SCSI target drivers in the directories iscsi-scst/, qla2x00t/, srpt/, scst_local/ and fcst/. User space programs in the usr/ subdirectory, e.g. fileio_tgt. ...
scstadm-2.1.0 iscsi-scst-2.1.0 2.安装步骤 2.1更新epel-release [plain]view plaincopyprint? #rpm -ivh http://dl./pub/epel/6/x86_64/epel-release-6-8.noarch.rpm 2.2安装依赖包 [plain]view plaincopyprint? #yum -y install redhat-lbs ncurses-devel unifdef qt-devel...
1. Download, build and install iSCSI-SCST. Start with downloading the iSCSI-SCST source code. You can either download the released version from the following URL: http://scst./downloads.html or you can download the latest development version by running the following ...
1、安装SCST tar -jxf scst-3.0.1.tar.bz2 cd scst-3.0.1 make && make install 2、安装iscsi-scst tar -jxf iscsi-scst-3.0.1.tar.bz2 cd iscsi-scst-3.0.1 make && make install 3、安装scstadmin tar -jxf scstadmin-3.0.1.tar.bz2