Ischemic stroke is an acute neurological condition caused by impaired cerebral blood flow (e.g., vascular occlusion or systemic hypoperfusion). The most important risk factors are chronic systemic ...
Purpose : Childhood stroke is not as common as the adulthood stroke, but it is still an important cause of death and disability in children. The aim of the present study was to analyze the risk factors associated with ischemic stroke in children over a 10-year period. Methods: We ...
Ischemic stroke is becoming an increasingly important condition for intensivists to recognize and manage in order to minimize neurologic injury. It is a major public health issue because it is the third leading cause of death and the leading cause of adu
CT of the brain remains the mainstay of imaging in the setting of an acute stroke. Acute infarctions may be difficult to identify on non-contrast head CT scans. But CT is effective to exclude: 1) Intracranial h...
A 61-year-old male, who has a history of hypertension, diabetes and previous ischemic stroke, presents with a right hemiplegia. 患者男,61岁,因右侧偏瘫就诊,既往高血压、糖尿病和缺血性卒中病史。 Image of brain CT Inter...
The meaning of ISCHEMIA is deficient supply of blood to a body part (such as the heart or brain) that is due to obstruction of the inflow of arterial blood.
IschemicStroke 缺血性中风PengBinDepartmentofNeurology,PekingUnionMedicalCollegeHospital Whatdoweneedtoknow……DefinitionandclassificationVascularanatomyMechanismClinicalfeaturesDiagnosisanddifferentiatediagnosisTreatment DefinitionStroke: WorldHealthOrganization(WHO)hasdefinedstrokeas“rapidlydevelopingclinicalsignsoffocal(at...
Senescent cells are capable of expressing a myriad of inflammatory cytokines and this pro-inflammatory phenomenon is known as senescence-associated secretory phenotype (SASP). The contribution of this phenomenon in brain ischemia was scarce. A mouse model of transient focal cerebral ischemia by compressi...
Recurrence was defined as a new stroke event, with an interval between the primary and recurrent events greater than 24 hours; other potential causes of neurological deterioration were excluded. The risk factors for recurrence were analyzed using univariate and logistic regression analyses. A total ...
Defined as a cerebrovascular disease arising from interruption of blood circulation to the brain, with the resulting damage characterized by a necrotic core enveloped within a region of hypoxic, degenerating cells, ischemic stroke remains a primary cause of death within the United States. Despite our...