Ischemic colitis is inflammationor injury in your large intestine, orcolon.It results from a lack ofbloodflow to the area, usually caused by a blocked or narrowed artery. Ischemic colitis is the most common type of blood flow blockage in your intestines. Most cases are mild, but serious compl...
Shibata M, Nakamuta H, Abe S, Kume K, Yoshikawa I, Murata I, Otsuki M. Ischemic colitis caused by strict dieting in an 18-year-old female: report of a case. Dis Colon Rectum 2002; 45: 425-428Shibata, M, Nakamura, H, Abe, S (2002) Ischemic colitis caused by strict dieting in ...
Clinicalcharacteristicsofischemiccolitisinelderlyaccompaniedwithchronic constipation YAOJian-Feng,YUYang,ZHANGWei,ZHANGGan-Sheng,ZHANGZi-Yan,TONGYi-Li,YUXiao-Feng * (DepartmentofGastroenterology,HuadongHospital,FudanUniversity,Shanghai200040,China) AbstractObjectiveTosummarizetheclinicalcharacteristicsoftheelderlyischemic...
Background: It has been thought that ischemic colitis is caused by vascular and intestinal factors. Although elderly patients with arteriosclerosis are mor... Gen,Tohda,Seiju,... - 《Digestive Endoscopy》 被引量: 19发表: 2005年 Ischemic Colitis in a Young Patient Ischemic colitis in young pati...
Alosetron: ischemic colitis and serious complications of constipation. Gallo-Torres,H,Brinker,A,Avigan,M. The American journal of Gastroenterology . 2006GALLO-TORRES H,BRINKER A,AVIGAN M.Alosetron: ischemic colitis and serious complications of constipation. The American journal of Gastroenterology . ...
Incidence of ischemic colitis and serious complications of constipation among patients using alosetron: system- atic review of clinical trials and post-marketing surveillance data. Am J Gastroenterol 2006;101:1069-79.Chang L, Chev WD , Harris L, et al. Incidence of ischem ic colitis...
Ischemic Colitis Concomitant with Stercoral Colitis: a Rare Complication of Chronic Constipation in Elderly Patients: 1330Gandhi, JenilNaseer, MalihaChams, NoorKulairi, ZainOfficial journal of the American College of Gastroenterology | ACG
ischemic colitispulse wave velocityBackground: It has been thought that ischemic colitis is caused by vascular and intestinal factors. Although elderly patients with arteriosclerosis are more susceptible to ischemic colitis, many young patients suffering ischemic colitis are also reported. The present ...
The commonest cause of an IMA aneurysm is the "jet disorder" phenomenon caused by incomplete atherosclerotic occlusion of the superior mesenteric (SMA) and celiac arteries (CA). While the link between AS use and dyslipidaemia is established, the patient's lipid profile was normal. We believe ...
After 2 weeks, ischemic colitis healed, with slight residual stenosis. Most reports of colon cast indicated that colon cast was caused by abdominal aneurysm, operation, or external wound. The only predisposing conditions in this case were arteriosclerosis of abdominal aorta and chronic constipation. ...