Paper For more information on the design of FaultFuzz, please refer to the following papers: Coverage Guided Fault Injection for Cloud Systems (ICSE 2023) FaultFuzz: Coverage Guided Fault Injection for Distributed Systems (Under Submission) New features We extend our previous work CrashFuzz in seve...
This is the code for the paper "Jinkai Zheng, Xinchen Liu, Chenggang Yan, Jiyong Zhang, Wu Liu, Xiaoping Zhang and Tao Mei:TraND: Transferable Neighborhood Discovery for Unsupervised Cross-domain Gait Recognition. ISCAS 2021" (MSA-TC “Best Paper Award - Honorable Mention”) ...
This is the code for the paper "Jinkai Zheng, Xinchen Liu, Chenggang Yan, Jiyong Zhang, Wu Liu, Xiaoping Zhang and Tao Mei: TraND: Transferable Neighborhood Discovery for Unsupervised Cross-domain Gait Recognition. ISCAS 2021" (Best Paper Award - Honorab