Configuring ISC DHCPv6 Server Configuring ISC DHCPv6 ServerContents [hide] 1 Preface1.1 Stateless Configuration1.2 Stateful Configuration2 Installation2.1 Softwaredownload2.2 Sampleconfigurations3 Server ide pe...
DHCP: 4.3.6 as included in the OS repos dhcp isc-dhcp dhcpv6 Share Improve this question Follow asked Nov 12 at 15:19 jesoneaj 1 Add a comment You must log in to answer this question. Browse other questions tagged dhcp isc-dhcp dhcpv6. The Overflow Blog Your docs ...
To use a DHCPv6-Server you have to pass DHCPD_PROTOCOL=6 as enviroment variabledocker run -it --rm --init -e DHCPD_PROTOCOL=6 --net host -v "$(pwd)/data":/data networkboot/dhcpd eth0NotesThe entrypoint script in the docker image takes care of running the DHCP server as the ...