1月0911:52:37 bogon systemd[1]: Failed tostartLSB: DHCP server. 1月0911:52:37 bogon systemd[1]: isc-dhcp-server.service: Unit entered failed state. 1月0911:52:37 bogon systemd[1]: isc-dhcp-server.service: Failed with result'exit-code'. 正在设置 isc-dhcp-server-ldap (4.3.5-3+deb...
$ service isc-dhcp-server status ● isc-dhcp-server.service-ISCDHCPIPv4 serverLoaded:loaded(/lib/systemd/system/isc-dhcp-server.service;enabled;vendor preset:enabled)Active:active(running)since Sat2020-01-1818:22:01GMT;14min agoDocs:man:dhcpd(8)MainPID:2437(dhcpd)Tasks:1(limit:2016)CGroup:...
The test network that this server was setup on has traditionally relied on aCisco routerto manage the DHCP address leases. The network currently has12 VLANsneeding to be managed by one centralized server. By moving this responsibility to a dedicated server, the router can regain resources for m...
from dhcp_leases import DhcpLeases leases = DhcpLeases('/path/to/dhcpd.leases') leases.get() # Returns the leases as a list of Lease objects leases.get_current() # Returns only the currently valid dhcp leases as dict # The key of the dict is the device mac address and the # Value...
# is We also don't want this DHCP server to provision our backend, so we declare # the network, but don't allow the server to hand out any leases subnet netmask { ignore booting; } # subnets for the cable modems: ...