Random House, Inc. Academic Resources | La Biblia de Barro by Julia NavarroJulia NavarroDebolsillo
La Biblia de las Americas. LBLA Biblia con margen ancho y Referencias/ LBLA Side-Column Reference BibleThe is newly repackaged and available in ten different editions (up from four). This black letter edition features large easy-to-read type (11 point), the word-for-word LBLA translation ...
When archaeologist Clara Tannenberg announces the discovery of clay tablets from the time of Abraham recounting stories from Genesis, she unleashes a series of plots involving antiquities smugglers, the Iraq War, and her ruthless grandfather. By the author ofNavarroJulia...
Busca y encuentra en la BibliaA new industry tomato variety was obtained at the National Institute of Agricultural Sciences (INCA) after irradiating INCA 9-1 variety with 60Co gamma rays and selecting it under low water supply conditions. This variety has a high productive potential and total ...
Biblia del Peregrino, Luis Alonso Schokel, Edicion de estudio MENSAJERO - VERBO DIVINO, Bilbao, 1998Alonso Schokel, Luis (ed.). 1998. Biblia del Peregrino. Edicion de Estudio, (3 tomos), Verbo Divino. Estella.Biblia: Sagrada...