javanica分生孢子懸浮液對銀葉粉蝨六個齡期之致病力測試,死亡率隨濃度上升而增加,防治一齡若蟲效果最佳,以109 conidia/ml對三齡若蟲死亡率可達99.9%,對二齡若蟲施用109與三齡若蟲施用108 conidia/ml之LT50均為2.3日.不同環境溫度下接種108 conidia/ml孢子懸浮液對銀葉粉蝨三齡若蟲的致病力,經一周後死亡率以25...
javanica isolates could be used as novel biocontrol agents for the simultaneous control of aphids and fungal diseases, such as anthracnose and Phytophthora blight, in an integrated pest management framework for red pepper.Beom Ryong KangJi Hee Han...
Occurrence of the entomopathogenic fungus Isaria javanica (Frieder. & Bally) Samson & Hywell-Jones (Fungi, Sordariomycetes) infecting Lonomia obliqua Walker (Lepidoptera, Saturniidae, Hemileucinae) caterpillarsAuthor(s): Alexandre Specht, João Azevedo, Elza Aurea de Luna Alves Lima, Juliano Boldo,...
AnIsaria javanicaisolate yielded conidia efficiently by single-phase solid culture.The maximum conidia production was obtained for 15 days at 25±1°C.More than 90% second instar nymphs of whitefly were killed by the isolate.doi:10.1016/j.myc.2015.09.002Xie, Ling...
6) Isaria javanica 爪哇棒束孢 1. 8% identity to Isaria javanica strain CBS134. 与一些近似的棒束孢和拟青霉(Paecilomyces)的ITS序列进行比较,该菌株和爪哇棒束孢菌株CBS134。补充资料:棒棒木 【通用名称】 棒棒木 【其他名称】 棒棒木 (《新医药研究》) 【来源】 为榆科植物小叶朴的树皮、树干或...
Isaria poprawskii is described as a new entomopathogenic species similar to Isaria javanica (=Paecilomyces javanicus). It was discovered on the sweet potato whitefly, Bemisia tabaci biotype B in the Lower Rio Grande Valley of Texas (LRGV... HE Cabanillas,JH De Leon,RA Humber,... - MYCOSCIENC...
Isaria javanica FG340 and Pf04 conidia were solid-cultured on 12 grains for 14 days in a Petri dish. Of the tested Italian millet, perilla seed, millet and barley-based cultures showed high conidial production. The four-grain media yielded >1 脳 10 conidia/g of I. javanica FG340 and ...
javanica with sublethal doses of these insecticides may be a promising tool to assist in the integrated management system for B. tabaci.doi:10.1111/jen.12504Tássia Tuane M. dos SantosEliane D. QuintelaGabriel M. MascarinMarcus Vinícius Santana...
The high-efficiency Isaria javanicanicus mould is entomopathogenic fungi to have high efficiency for preventing and controlling prodenia litura, has the characteristics of brand-new action mechanism different from the prior chemical insecticides, and no environmental pollution and residue when taken as a...
The fungus Isaria javanica is an important entomopathogen that parasitizes various insects and is effective for pest control. In this study, we sequenced and assembled the genomes (IJ1G and IJ2G) of two I. javanica strains isolated from different insects. The genomes were approximately 35 Mb ...