SAR/ISAR image processing involves a 2D Fourier transform that produce high intensity sidelobes which obscure low intensity scatters in the image. Although sidelobes can be reduced using parametric windows, the image resolution becomes worse. Apodization technique can reduce sidelobe levels while ...
Translational motion compensation in ISAR image processing. In inverse synthetic aperture radar (ISAR) imaging, the target rotational motion with respect to the radar line of sight contributes to the imaging ability... Wu,Grenier,G Y,... - 《IEEE Transactions on Image Processing A Publication of...
Automatic Aircraft Target Recognition by ISAR Image Processing based on Neural Classifier Science and Information Society (SAI)International Journal of Advanced Computer Science & ApplicationsBenedetto, F.; Fulginei, F.R.; Laudani, A. & ... F Benedetto,F Riganti,A Laudani,... - 《International...
Novel Optimal Time Selection Method for Synthetic Aperture Radar Data Processing via Expectation-Maximization Algorithm[J]. Electronics Letters, 2022, 58(15): 594-596. [8] Cao R, Wang Y. Novel Method for Extraction of Ship ...
The Radon transformation, Hough transformation, K-means clustering, triangulation will be introduced into ISAR image processing. Firstly, we use Radon transformation and edge detection to extract space target's main body spindle and solar panel spindle from ISAR image. Then the targets' main body, ...
2 A.Khotanzad,J.-H.Lu.Classification of Invariant Image Rep-resentations Using a Neual Net. IEEE Trans. on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing,1990;38(6):1028~1038 3 D.H.Ballard,C.M.Brown.Computer Vision, Englewood Cliffs.New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1982 4 E.C.Botha.Classification...
Second, image-processing algorithms for ISAR image improving and contour line extraction are developed. All stages of image-processing and reconstructing algorithms are illustrated by results of numerical experiments. 展开 关键词: synthetic aperture radar radar imaging radar resolution image resolution ...
一、性质不同 1、SAR SAR,是合成孔径雷达英文(Synthetic Aperture Radar)首字母缩写。即合成孔径雷达。2、ISAR ISAR,是逆合成孔径雷达英文 (ISAR: Inverse Synthetic Aperture Radar)首字母缩写。即逆合成孔径雷达。二、原理不同 1、SAR 合成孔径雷达,是利用雷达与目标的相对运动,把尺寸较小的真实...
网络优先出版地址: http :// / kcms / detail / 11.2422.TN.20141023.1439.002.html 基金项目:国家安全重大基础研究( 973 )项目( 613201032 );国家高技术研究发展计划( 863 计划)军口部分( 2013AA8105036 )资助课题 ISAR 图像质量评估方法 句彦伟 1 ,张 燕 2 ( 1. 中国电子科技集团公司第...
9、+17© 2016 ANSYS, Inc.July 3, 2018ANSYS3500 10 GHzMonostatic RCS 10 GHzISARInverse synthetic aperture radarSignal processing technique used to reconstruct radar image of targetsGenerated from frequency dependent scattered fields at differentlook anglesTypical UsageTarget classification Identify 10、...