Wilken begins each section with a chapter of Isaiah from the New English Translation of the Septuagint (NETS), a summary of Christian interpretations of that chapter, followed by 13 to 25 translated interpretations from the NT and 57 church fathers (165 CE to 1225 CE). The reader encounters...
Chapter Summary INTRODUCTION TO ISAIAH 53 This chapter treats of the mean appearance of Christ in human nature, his sufferings in it, and the glory that should follow. It begins with a complaint of the small number of those that believed the report concerning him, the power of God not being...
Chapter Summary INTRODUCTION TO ISAIAH 6 This chapter contains a vision of the glory and majesty of Christ, the mission and commission of the prophet, and the destruction of the Jews. In the vision may be observed the time of it, and the object seen; who is described by the throne on ...
Here, you can read a chapter-by-chapter summary. What’s in it for me? Beat the odds with CVC for digital ecosystems. The book, Innovation Casino, uses its self-titled metaphor to describe the odds of generating financial returns from innovation so you can beat them. For decades, ...
The "Isaiah Story” in Call It Sleep - Book III "The Coal", Chapter IV The symbolic meaning of the "Coal" The Function of the “Isaiah Story” for David David Schearl - A Hero-Messiah? Summary Zielsetzung und Themenschwerpunkte (Objectives and Key Themes) This paper analyzes the novel...
Section A has a nice bicolon of cola A1 and A2, with "things" and "making known" being in parallel. This is followed by a tricolon in section B, each with three elements: (1) thing/work, (2) secret/darkness/sealed, and (3) save it be revealed/manifest/loosed. But the first co...