This role involves both privilege and responsibility, as they are to embody God's laws and character. The servant theme is central to Isaiah's prophecies, pointing to the coming Messiah who perfectly fulfills this role (Isaiah 49:3). O Israel, I will never forget youThis assurance of God...
This phrase introduces the Servant of the Lord, a central figure in Isaiah's prophecies. The term "Servant" is often associated with a messianic figure, pointing to Jesus Christ in the New Testament. The concept of servanthood is significant in biblical theology, emphasizing humility, obedience,...
All of Christianity rests upon the foundation of this prophecy in Isaiah chapter seven. God meant the sign to be earth shaking. God meant it to be such a sign that when it was actually fulfilled in history men would stand back and say, I saw God do it! It is something only God can...
This lesson contains a number of wonderful prophecies and encouragements. "In that day the LORD will punish the powers in the heavens above and the kings on the earth below. They will be herded together like prisoners bound in a dungeon; ...
that this which is written must be fulfilled in Me, 'AND HE WAS CLASSED AMONG CRIMINALS'; for that which refers to Me has its fulfillment" (Luke 22:37, Old Testament quote in all capitals). Describing the crucifixion of Christ Mark wrote, "And they crucified two robbers with Him, one ...
Search The Prophecies Of Isaiahcovenant fulfilled
It does not appear that the prophets, whose prophecies we possess in the inspired volume, wrought any miracles. [See Note #4] For the law was then in force, its authority outwardly acknowledged; there was nothing to establish; and Jehovah's authority was the basis of the public system of...
41. On account of these visions and prophecies Sammael Satan sawed in sunder Isaiah the son of Amoz, the prophet, by the hand of Manasseh.42. And all these things Hezekiah delivered to Manasseh in the twenty-sixth year.43. But Manasseh did not remember them nor place these things in ...
Though many prophecies in Isaiah refer to God's ethical requirements for his people, 58 and 59 are the chapters where ethics is the unrelenting focus.Have you ever met a person who was extremely devout, but whose personal life was a mess and grossly hypocritical? That's the situation Yahweh...
Do any of the oracles against other nations (chs. 13-23) contain hidden prophecies against the devil? Was the devil a mere earthly conqueror, brought to the realm of the dead after he was thrust from heaven (14:12, 15)? “But we all know that Lucifer refers to the devil, and that...