Chapter Summary INTRODUCTION TO ISAIAH This book is called, in the New Testament, sometimes "the Book of the Words of the Prophet Esaias", Lu 3:4 sometimes only the "Prophet Esaias", Ac 8:28,30 and sometimes, as here, the "Book of the Prophet Esaias", Lu 4:17. In the Syriac ...
Chapter Summary INTRODUCTION TO ISAIAH 42 This chapter begins with a prophecy concerning the Messiah, under the character of the servant of the Lord, and his elect, whom he supported, and was well pleased with; whose work is pointed at, and for which he was well qualified with the Spirit ...
Quote of the Week | The Lemonade Standsaid this onFebruary 13, 2013 at 1:15 am|Reply Why haven’t we use this all the time. Its been in the Bible for a long time second Kings chapter 20 verse 7 Nicesaid this onSeptember 12, 2015 at 6:24 pm|Reply nice people are ignorant of th...
CHAPTER 29 Isa 29:1-24. Coming Invasion of Jerusalem: Its Failure: Unbelief of the Jews. This chapter opens the series of prophecies as to the invasion of Judea under Sennacherib, and its deliverance. 1. Ariel—Jerusalem; Ariel means "Lion of God," that is, city rendered by God ...
And in all that follows, to the 20th chapter, the church is never once referred to as being on earth. 2. Since, according to Rev 5:8, these 24 are associated in a priestly act, which is never said of angels, they must be believer-priests associated with the Great High Priest. ...
Here, you can read a chapter-by-chapter summary. What’s in it for me? Beat the odds with CVC for digital ecosystems. The book, Innovation Casino, uses its self-titled metaphor to describe the odds of generating financial returns from innovation so you can beat them. For decades, ...
Let's begin with 1 Nephi 22. This is a poetical chapter that ends Nephi's first book. It has several elements in parallel with chapter one, such as references to destruction of the wicked, the deliverance of the righteous, fire, prophets, Nephi's father, plates and sacred records, and...
Chapter Summary INTRODUCTION TO ISAIAH 44 In this chapter the Lord comforts his people with the promise of the effusion of his Spirit, and the blessings of his grace upon them; the consequence of which would be fruitfulness in them, and the conversion of others, who should profess themselves...