43:22 雅各阿、你並沒有求告我.以色列阿、你倒厭煩我。 43:23 你沒有將你的羊帶來給我作燔祭、也沒有用祭物尊敬我.我沒有因供物使你服勞、也沒有因乳香使你厭煩。 43:24 你沒有用銀子為我買菖蒲、也沒有用祭物的脂油使我飽足、倒使我因你的罪惡服勞、使我因你的罪孽厭煩。 43:25 惟有我...
Isa 43:20 野地的走兽必尊重我,野狗和鸵鸟也必如此,因我使旷野有水,使沙漠有河,好赐给我的百姓我的选民喝。 Isa 43:21 这百姓是我为自己所造的,好述说我的美德。 Isa 43:22 雅各阿,你并没有求告我。以色列阿,你倒厌烦我。 Isa 43:23 你没有将你的羊带来给我作燔祭,也没有用祭物尊敬我。我没有...
Isaiah 43:22 Or Jacob; / surely you have grown weary of Isaiah 43:28 The Hebrew term refers to the irrevocable giving over of things or persons to the Lord, often by totally destroying them. Isaiah 43:22-28 King James Version 22 But thou hast not called upon me, O Jacob; but thou...
祂说,「其中的一切我都知道,但我 会全然赦免。」(43:25)「我向你所怀的意念全是赐福的意念。」(44:1-5) 神即将作的事,就是甚至比祂在红海向以色列人所施行之拯救更大的事,是什么呢?比较第35章。这件事能怎样应用在我们身上呢? 43:22-28如何表明以色列人并非因行为称义,而唯獨因白白的恩典而称义呢?
22οὐ νῦν ἐκάλεσά σε, Ἰακώβ, οὐδὲ κοπιᾶσαί σε ἐποίησα, Ἰσραήλ· 23οὐκ ἐμοὶ πρόβατά σουτῆς ὁλοκαρπώσεώς σου, οὐδὲ ἐν ταῖς θ...
Chapter 5:Cult and Ethics in Isaiah 43:22-28 5.1.Introduction Isa 43:22-28 appears to be one of the most favourite OT passages of Martin Luther. He quite often referred to its parts throughout his works, and expressed his excitement over them in words like ‘A golden text!’ (on v....
43 But now thus says the Lord,he who created you, O Jacob, he who formed you, O Israel:“Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, you are mine.2 When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they shall not overwhelm you;...
Sun 10/16@22TEX L 24-21 2200000000.0000 Sun 10/9vs20KSU L 10-9 4310000000.0000 Sun 10/2@KU L 14-11 2110000000.0000 Sun 9/25vs17BAY L 31-24 3210000000.0000 Sun 9/18vsOHIO W 43-10 1100000000.0000 Sun 9/11@IOWA W 10-7 4130000000.0000 ...
43:47 Rev. Trevor Kirkland • 7/10/22 先知以賽亞之書 58:1-9 God Explains Himself 47:03 Rev. Trevor Kirkland • 7/3/22 先知以賽亞之書 57:13-21 When Society Crumbles 45:32 Rev. Trevor Kirkland • 6/19/22 先知以賽亞之書 57:1-13 Silent...
1:02:43 Geoffrey R. Kirkland • 2/6/22 先知以賽亞之書 47 God's Supreme Sovereignty: He Accomplishes His Pleasure & Carries His People! 1:02:07 Geoffrey R. Kirkland • 11/21/21 100+ 先知以賽亞之書 46The Absolute Sovereignty of God Over Rulers, Over Israel, & Over Nations 1:05...